Wow! lots of good info to be picked up especially not having time to
read code.
Anyway I will try to contribute some info too that might help. ETP
is also a hack in terms of creating the folder etc from I remember.
Basically ETP gets mounted by APM or site-map. On first time that
ETP package is accessed it detects the folders are not present. The
cr_folders is created along with the initial contents on cr_items
and cr_revisions for the index page.
Since given the post above that there is no formal way for APM or
maybe site-map to initialize a package instance. So file-storage
and ETP has its own way of doing things. A good canditate for
service contract? Since we are close to beta I think we should
already make a list of things that must be pushed to the next
release. It would also be great if people would start experimenting
for the next release.
Hey Jowell your Pinoy right?