Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Mail Tracking

11: Re: Mail Tracking (response to 1)
Posted by Nima Mazloumi on

The notification package is well documented. Any package can be notification enabled. Thus we can have systems with incredible traffic. Since the notification message is identical for all suscribers logging a single message seems the best.

The problem is that a generic tracking package won't be able to resolve the actual subscribers later on. Also since notification requests can be deleted we don't have the means to reconstruct who was a subscriber at the time the email was sent out. To fix this is simple. Instead of deleting entries from notification_requests we could add two more columns like creation_time and deactivation_time or something. Adding a new request for the same object would deactivate an existing project as does removing a subscription to an object. What do you think?

I prefer to log every single email in favour to a more generic mail-tracking package. We can find ways to archive old logs to prevent the logging table from increasing to much.

Like bulk-mail, notifications doesn't provide a package_id to acs_mail_lite_queue. We need to fix that. I would suggest that we take the package_id of the package that caused the notification.

<h3>ACS Mail Lite (revisited 3)</h3>

The columns to_addr, from_addr and body in acs_mail_lite_queue create strong restrictions on reuse in favor of simplicity:

  • to_addr - stores the sender's email instead of a valid user_id. This allows any email address as the sender. Why should we allow that?
  • from_addr - stores a TCL list that contains the recipients name, email and user id. Shouldn't the user_id suffice?
  • body can literally contain anything that is text. While bulk-mail and mailing-lists simply contain the message text notifications stores the raw email body. Wouldn't a mapping table form content to email be better?