Forum OpenACS Q&A: OACS opportunity

Posted by Klyde Beattie on
I have started to build a OACS backed .com business, I'm located in
Canada and currently looking for a partner with strong OACS related
skills, and perhaps some entrepreneurial experience. Under my current
schedule, I will be seeking first round capital in 4 months. If you
are interested, send me and e-mail. If you have any input regarding
the OACS scene in Canada, respond on this thread. Thanks.
Posted by Kenny Chan on
Hi Klyde,

Are you on the west or east side of Canada?


Posted by Klyde Beattie on
West coast (Vancouver)
Posted by Leonard Fiadzinu on
Hi Klyde and other Canadians

As to the OACS scene in Canada I have not had much contact with other Canadians; I have only met one other person that was working with OACS/ACS.  But I feel that there are a few Canadians here that are silent [me being 1 :) ]. I have been considering doing a little gathering like the ones our American cousins have been holding, so if you know other Canadian that might be interested get back to me.

As to your search for a partners with strong OACS and entrepreneurial experience email me with any questions you have and we can discuss any possibility.  I am aware that you are in Vancouver as I am in Toronto, which should not have any bearing on any discussion that we might have.

If there are other Canadian OpenAcs/ACS developers, marketers, watchers, business people etc., that will like to get together and share some war stories over a cold one :) email me and I will see what I can put together.



Posted by Brad Ford on
I too have wondered how many Canadians were hanging out in the community. I'm in Vancouver bringing the total to 2 here so far. I've just recently decided to move forward with a project using OACS and will finally be able to contribute more to the community as I start working with the system. I did the psets a while back on the off chance aD lived up to the hype - finished just in time for the start of the meltdown. No regrets, the skills learned opened some other doors.

After I work with the system for a while, I plan to let others know about it through vanLUG or some such - spread the good word so to speak. If there are more of us out west, we could set up a local 'support' group. I'd LOVE help getting qmail to work over a loopback...

Klyde, I've emailed you separately on your agius hotmail address. Post back here if you don't receive it.

Posted by Paul Doerwald on
Hey!  Canadians!

I'm in Toronto.. well, Burlington actually.  If there's a Canadian ACS gathering, I'll be there...  actually, if it's in Vancouver, it'll give me a tax-deductible excuse to visit my friends :)