I encountered some problems. Some might be specific to my individual
installation (openacs 3.2.5, aolserver 4.0, PG 7.1.3, RH 6.2). I did
the following:
1. downloaded the cms from
2. untared the package (tar xvfz musea-cm.tar.gz)
3. copied the directories inside www/ to my acs root directory.
4. copied master.adp, master.tcl from www/toplevel/ to my acs www
toplevel directory
5. copied the files inside tcl/ to my acs tcl/ directory
6. copied the directory tcl/ats to /home/aolserver/modules/tcl/
7. copied upo-image-resize to /usr/sbin/
8. added some lines to the nsd.tcl file of aolserver. (Some might
already be activated with your nsd.tcl file)...
ns_section "ns/server/${server}/adp"
ns_param map "/*.adp" ;# Extensions to parse as ADP's
ns_param DefaultParser fancy
ns_section "ns/server/${server}/adp/parsers"
ns_param fancy ".adp"
ns_section "ns/server/${server}/modules"
# Load the ats module
ns_param ats tcl
ns_section "ns/server/${server}/ats"
ns_param ResourcePath ${homedir}/modules/tcl/ats/resources
9. added some lines to my acs conifguration file under paramters/
(Musea probably forgot to add the file concerning the acs
configuration file, so I am offering the lines that I added to my
configuration file. They work at the moment, but may still contain
some errors?! Maybe Musea could post their original lines...)
ns_section ns/server/${server}/acs/file-manager
ns_param ManagedDirectories ""
ns_param ManageStaticContentSections 0
ns_param VersionControlP 1
ns_param Ignore admin
ns_param Extensions adp,tcl,html,gif,jpg
ns_param EnabledP 1
ns_section ns/server/${server}/acs/ADP
ns_param BlockUserADPFunctionsP 0
ns_section ns/server/${server}/acs/vc
ns_param CVSROOT "/usr/local/cvsroot"
ns_param CvsPath "/usr/bin/cvs"
10. changed line 122 of tcl/file-manager-defs.tcl
foreach file [lsort [glob "[acs_root_dir]/www/*"]] {
foreach file [lsort [glob "[acs_root_dir]/*"]] {
11. weirdly the varialbe path didn't get interpreted correctly via
ad_page_variables in all files inside www/admin/file-manager/, so I
exchanged this proc with set_the_usual_form_variables. I don't really
know why this happened on my server and it is possible that you can
skip this point on your installation
12. downloaded and installed the rpms for cvs from
I had some problems with cvs, because up until yesterday I haven't
ever touched cvs... If you know what to do it is not really heavy to
get it running... If you have problems with getting cvs to run, just
post them here.
13. downloaded and installed ImageMagick from
14. commented out line 19 and 29-66 from master.tcl
15. commented out line 8 from master.adp
(Musea's master are to be seen as examples.)
16. created the directory content/ on top of my acs toplevel
17. created the directory upo-topics/ and upo-pages/ on top of graphics/
18. I made sure that the directories that where accessed by aolserver
where chowned to nsadmin.nsadmin (i.e. chown nsadmin.nsadmin content/)
19. Set up a cvs working directory inside content/ (all the pages of
cm are saved inside content/)
That's it for the moment... I will add some more if I encoutner more