redirects of error pages to ADP files is working for me with the
following setup:
ns_section "ns/server/${server}/redirects"
ns_param 401 "/global/unauthorized.adp"
ns_param 403 "/global/forbidden.adp"
ns_param 404 "/global/file-not-found.adp"
ns_param 503 "/global/busy.adp"
ns_param 505 "/global/error.adp"
Try this for /global/file-not-found.adp:
set hdrs [ns_conn headers]
for {set i 0} {$i<[expr [ns_set size $hdrs] - 1]} {incr i} {
ns_puts "[ns_set key $hdrs $i] = [ns_set value $hdrs $i]<br>"
And the request a non existing page after you have rebooted