you don't want to put the quotation marks around the name of your table. You're SQL statement should look like this:
If that doesn't work, then post back here because there is indeed something wrong.
As for reaching the server through your browser, my first thought is to make sure that the server is in fact listening on that port (8000). You can use the command:
netstat -na | more
to see a list of the services and the ports they are assigned to. Assuming you see the server listening on 8000, the other thing I would look at is your DNS. You can try accessing the box by typing in the IP address instead of the domain name:
(substituting your IP address)
Or if you you're using a browser on the same box, you can try accessing it as localhost:
If you recently created or changed a DNS entry, it can take a while (up to a couple of days) to propagate throughout the DNS system and consistently point to the new IP address.
If those things check out, post back here with a more specific description of what happens in your browser when you try to hit the server. Do you get a page not found (404) error? Or are you getting a server error? Or something else?