Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: Debian package of .LRN

Posted by Eduardo Pérez on
I've just tried that package, and it works fine, except one
problem I also had with a manual install : aolserver looks
for the postgresql socket in /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432, while it is
created (default debian startup script) in

I'm not sur if it should try and look for the socket anyway :
in the logs the network port is specified "Notice: dbdrv:
opening database 'postgres::5432:dotlrn'". Does this mean
that the host is not entered correctly ?
What I have experienced with aolserver is : if the database
is on localhost, it will try the socket, if it is another ip
address, it will connect via the network. What is the
prefered way ?

Could you tell us what Debian packages do you have installed and what packages did you install manually?
Installing most packages from Debian packages is the best idea as upgrades are easier and they work OK from the first time.

Posted by Jeremy Monnet on
Everything was installed from apt-get.

I have installed manually dotlrn (last stable version 2.1.1) before knowing there was a debian package. So I deleted everything and reinstalled the debian package of dotlrn and everything from debian packages.

And I have with the debian package now the same socket problem I had when installing from sources. Maybe someone knows how to setup aolserver to specify where the database local socket should be ?
If the database was not running on the same computer, I should have configured an ip address in config.tcl, and it would have been fine from the first time ...