Forum OpenACS Q&A: Marketing needs you...
I am subscribed to the openoffice discuss list at the moment and I
just received an email discussing marketing. OpenOffices is about to
release 1.0 soon so they are organizing a volunteer marketing team.
Maybe we can use some of their ideas with the release of OpenACS 4.5... enthusiasts: With the pending release of 1.0, the Marketing Project needs your help to make a big splash. If you're not a programmer and have been looking for a way to make a contribution to, Marketing is a great way to do it (along with the Documentation project, of course!). Any level of time commitment is valuable. Even if you don't have time to sift through the e-mail on the Marketing list, you can help out with some of the tasks below once or each time we contact you. To join us: You can join the project and receive a digest of the mailing list if you don't have time to read it all. Remember, Microsoft has a billion dollars in commercial advertising. We have volunteers. In the long run, I believe that lots of volunteers -- and a superior product -- will make us successful worldwide. But only if you help. Contact information is indicated below. Please do NOT reply to the Discuss list. MARKETING NEEDS CONSULTANT CONTACTS: On Monday, March 11, we will release a survey to software consulting companies worldwide to guage the interest and availability of commercial support for We need you to help us build a list of consulting companies to contact, from single-person tech support shops to large IT service corporations. Please supply the following data with each contact (we will NOT be able to survey incomplete suggestions): SEND CONTACTS TO: SUBJECT: Consultant Contact INCLUDE: Company Name: Contact Name: Contact E-mail: Language: Country & Region: ALSO INDICATE: Are you willing to contact the consultant in advance of our e-mail? (the text of the e-mail we will send is available at --> documentation) MARKETING NEEDS TRANSLATORS AND COPY-EDITORS: The Marketing Project has a constant need for translators and copy-editors in every one of the 27 languages supported by (except English, which we have covered!). Do as little as one press release or survey a month, or join us and the Documentation project and excercise your language skills! E-MAIL SUBJECT: Translator MARKETING NEEDS POINT PEOPLE: If you have a little more time, and a yearning to talk to the press and the public, we need people in each country and/or language who can be the designated e-mail contact for press and government agencies seeking information about If you are willing to be a point person, please join the Marketing Mailing List and introduce yourself (see to join). MARKETING NEEDS PRESS CONTACTS: You probably received Sam Hiser's request for press contact names last week. Well, he still needs more! This includes international contacts. E_MAIL: SUBJECT: Press Contacts Thank you so much for your willingness to help. Together, we can make well known and respected throughout the world. -Josh Berkus Co-Lead Volunteer Marketing Project