Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to release date?

8: Response to release date? (response to 1)
Posted by Roberto Mello on
Don, I've just committed the changes to CVS.

I added two entities to the XML sources, one called "version" and another called "majorversion". So with that, I just carefully replaced everywhere we had "4" with "&version;" and voila, we have 4.5 everywhere in the docs (documentation writers, please take notice).

I left some design docs without this modification though, but they'll be updated for release.

I also changed "Open ArsDigita" to "Open Architecture" everywhere, made some updates to the OpenACS FAQ in the docs, and linked the current documentation from which will be the canonical place for all openacs documentation. It has a link to updated OpenACS 3.2.5 and 4.5-beta documentations.

This means that you can look at the latest and greatest Install docs for OpenACS 4.5, written by the always-alert-and-ready-to-work Vinod (thanks Vinod!). I'll put links to documentation of all packages hosted at in that same page soon.

One last thing is that I got rid of the annyoing 1-phrase "Overview" pages at the top of each chapter. Those made no sense to me. If anybody thinks we should keep them, let me know.

I'll work into releasing the documentation into Postcript and PDF formats for release.
