Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to How to test Jerry's nsvhr/nsunix virtual hosting on development box?

Nsvhr/nssock will take you 95% of the way there and you won't encounter any of the weirdities involving unix domain sockets and where the unix domain socket is placed in the directory, or any of that other crap required to configure the damn thing. It's probably fast enough for your needs for quite a while, and it gives you a fallback position to take anytime you think my dubious patches are more dubious than usual.

Jerry, is this just your usual endearing modest understatement of your formidable technical achievements, or are there limitations that one runs into with the nsvhr/nsunix solution?

  • Does it choke at high levels of throughput?
  • Does it not work with SSL?
  • Is the IE 5 bug a commonly-encountered problem?
If it works, it works, isn't that right?

Anyway, my hat's off to you for this major contribution you've made to the community! I particularly like the nsvhr/nsunix approach because

  • It's wonderfully modular; to add a domain/site, you add a new config file in /usr/local/aolserver, a new pageroot for the OpenACS code, and a new PG DB, and you're golden.
  • You can start and stop each site separately.
  • You can use the same procedures to migrate new sites to a new box if things get busy as you do to add the second site to an idle box (and the fewer ways I have to learn to do something, the better).
What's not to love about that?