Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to release date?

16: Response to release date? (response to 1)
Posted by Vinod Kurup on
Regarding the funky A's (where's markd2 when you need him) that are showing up in the docs...

I think Torben's right that there is an issue with the character-set encoding. The character that is supposed to be inserted is   (the non breaking space), but apparently this value is equal to the weird A in UTF-8 (?) Unfortunately, character-set stuff is a black art to me, but google was helpful.

This thread refers to a different XSLT processor than we're using, but it suggests that we can get rid of the gremlins by adding a tag to our XSL stylesheet. I can't test this, however, since the gremlins aren't showing up in the HTML that I'm generating locally.