Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to ORACLE occasional stream_write_lob error when downloading files
Posted by
Rocael Hernández Rizzardini
on 03/08/02 02:49 AM
Here is the log: [07/Mar/2002:09:40:22][20044.1100807][-conn270-] Notice: bind variable 'user_id' = '1364' [07/Mar/2002:09:40:22][20044.1100807][-conn270-] Notice: SQL(): select decode(ad_general_permissions.user_has_row_permission_p(1364, 'write', '33', 'FS_VERSIONS'), 't', 1, 0) from dual [07/Mar/2002:09:40:22][20044.1100807][-conn270-] Notice: SQL(): select desired.file_id, file_title, folder_p, depth * 24 as n_pixels_in, round (fsvl.n_bytes / 1024) as n_kbytes, n_bytes, to_char (fsvl.creation_date, 'MM/DD/YY HH24:MI') as creation_date, nvl (fsvl.file_type, upper (fsvl.file_extension) || ' File') as file_type, sort_key, fsvl.version_id, fsvl.client_file_name, fsvl.url from fs_versions_latest fsvl, ( select file_id, file_title, sort_key, depth, folder_p, owner_id, group_id, public_p, parent_id, level as the_level from fs_files where deleted_p = 'f' connect by parent_id = prior file_id start with file_id = :file_id ) desired where fsvl.file_id = desired.file_id and (ad_general_permissions.user_has_row_permission_p (:local_user_id, 'read', fsvl.version_id, 'FS_VERSIONS') = 't' o r owner_id = :local_user_id or folder_p = 't') order by sort_key [07/Mar/2002:09:40:22][20044.1100807][-conn270-] Notice: bind variable 'file_id' = '33' [07/Mar/2002:09:40:22][20044.1100807][-conn270-] Notice: bind variable 'local_user_id' = '1364' [07/Mar/2002:09:40:22][20044.1100807][-conn270-] Notice: bind variable 'local_user_id' = '1364' [07/Mar/2002:09:40:48][20044.1106956][-conn273-] Notice: SQL(): select file_type, n_bytes from fs_versions where version_id = :version_id [07/Mar/2002:09:40:48][20044.1106956][-conn273-] Notice: bind variable 'version_id' = '43' [07/Mar/2002:09:40:48][20044.1106956][-conn273-] Notice: SQL(): select group_id from fs_files fsf, fs_versions fsv where version_id = :version_id and fsf.file_id = fsv.file_id [07/Mar/2002:09:40:48][20044.1106956][-conn273-] Notice: bind variable 'version_id' = '43' [07/Mar/2002:09:40:48][20044.1106956][-conn273-] Notice: SQL(): select decode(count(*),0,0,1) from user_group_map where user_id = :user_id and group_id = :group_id [07/Mar/2002:09:40:48][20044.1106956][-conn273-] Notice: bind variable 'user_id' = '1364' [07/Mar/2002:09:40:48][20044.1106956][-conn273-] Notice: bind variable 'group_id' = '33' [07/Mar/2002:09:40:48][20044.1106956][-conn273-] Notice: SQL(): select count(fs_files.file_id) from fs_files, fs_versions_latest where fs_files.file_id = fs_versions_latest.file_id and fs_files.owner_id = :user_id and version_id = :version_id [07/Mar/2002:09:40:48][20044.1106956][-conn273-] Notice: bind variable 'user_id' = '1364' [07/Mar/2002:09:40:48][20044.1106956][-conn273-] Notice: bind variable 'version_id' = '43' [07/Mar/2002:09:40:48][20044.1106956][-conn273-] Notice: SQL(): select decode(ad_general_permissions.user_has_row_permission_p(1364, 'read', '43', 'FS_VERSIONS'), 't', 1, 0) from dual [07/Mar/2002:09:40:48][20044.1106956][-conn273-] Notice: SQL(): select version_content from fs_versions where version_id = 43 [07/Mar/2002:09:41:15][20044.1106956][-conn273-] Error: ora8.c:4472:stream_write_lob error writing to connection. incomplete write of 0 out of 16384 [07/Mar/2002:09:43:09][20044.1108999][-sched:4-] Notice: Running scheduled proc gc_send_bboard_alerts... [07/Mar/2002:09:43:09][20044.1108999][-sched:4-] Notice: Sending alerts for gc-bboard on [07/Mar/2002:09:45:02][20044.1110026][-sched:11-] Notice: Running scheduled proc process_email_queue... [07/Mar/2002:10:02:13][20044.1115152][-sched:19-] Notice: Running scheduled proc send_scheduled_spam_messages... [07/Mar/2002:10:02:13][20044.1115152][-sched:19-] Notice: running scheduled spam sending daemon [07/Mar/2002:10:05:18][20044.2051][-sched-] Notice: Running scheduled proc sec_sweep_sessions... [07/Mar/2002:10:15:17][4533.1024][-main-] Notice: unix: waiting for killed process 20044 to die... [07/Mar/2002:10:15:18][4533.1024][-main-] Notice: unix: waiting for killed process 20044 to die... [07/Mar/2002:10:15:19][4533.1024][-main-] Notice: unix: waiting for killed process 20044 to die... [07/Mar/2002:10:15:20][4533.1024][-main-] Notice: unix: waiting for killed process 20044 to die... [07/Mar/2002:10:15:21][4533.1024][-main-] Notice: unix: waiting for killed process 20044 to die... [07/Mar/2002:10:15:22][4533.1024][-main-] Notice: unix: waiting for killed process 20044 to die... [07/Mar/2002:10:15:23][4533.1024][-main-] Notice: unix: waiting for killed process 20044 to die... [07/Mar/2002:10:15:24][4533.1024][-main-] Notice: unix: waiting for killed process 20044 to die... [07/Mar/2002:10:15:25][4533.1024][-main-] Notice: unix: waiting for killed process 20044 to die... [07/Mar/2002:10:15:26][4533.1024][-main-] Notice: unix: waiting for killed process 20044 to die... [07/Mar/2002:10:15:27][4533.1024][-main-] Notice: unix: waiting for killed process 20044 to die... [07/Mar/2002:10:15:28][4533.1024][-main-] Warning: unix: attempting again to kill process 20044 after waiting 10 seconds [07/Mar/2002:10:15:28][4533.1024][-main-] Notice: unix: waiting for killed process 20044 to die...