Forum OpenACS Q&A: Address Book International version

Currently the address book module for ACS 4.2 tcl is US based. Before I change the code I would like to know if anybody has worked on it.

The way I see it I have two choices. 1) To change the current code and have postal code optional and have state codes only if the addressee is in US, or 2) Get rid of the "places" module in the address book and build a different data model for "Address Book" for location entry.

I am also posting this on ArsDigita forum
Posted by Don Baccus on
#2 is the plan we've discussed here at OpenACS for the future.  We haven't included address book in our upcoming OpenACS 4.5 release because the need to redo it seems so great that we didn't really want to start supporting it and no one really wanted to port it to PostgreSQL.

If you're interested in discussing possible design ideas with folks around here, you might want to start a thread on address book datamodel design issues over in our 4.x Design forum.

And if you're later interested on working on this as part of our team we're always open to incorporating new talent into our project!