Forum OpenACS Development: Response to Software Development (Bugs, QA, etc) and OACS

Posted by Don Baccus on
Well ... a new SDM tied to a new Intranet-ish suite tied to a knowledge management system would be a very interesting thing.

In other words the old intranet package gave some control over how you can let people (clients) into the system, controlling what they can see and can't see, what they can and can't do, etc.  Tie that with the SDM and you'd have something more useful for small consulting companies than bugzilla, I think, due to the nice possibilities that the rich OpenACS 4 datamodel makes possible.

And given that there are several small consulting companies in the community that would be nice, no?

And combined with the new portal package users would have a high degree of portal customization at their fingertips, too.

So ... obviously something like this in OpenACS 4 could be a world-class piece of software that might really enhance our visibility if it became at all possible.

The rub - resources.  Where are the resources to take on something as ambitious as this?