Forum OpenACS Development: Clickstream and MIP for openacs-5

These last days i spent trying openacs packages to collect and analyze data for KM purpose.

Web Engineering Group ( from University of Sydney has interesting software implemented over OpenACS as undergraduate projects. I found these realized under Rafael Calvo supervion:

Market Intelligence platform for competitive intelligence by Kim Hoan Tran -

Clickstream Data Warehouse for detailed analysis of the logged Clickstream data by Vasudev Surath Uthaya Kumar -

I realized some updates to original code to get them working with openacs-5 and postgresql and uploaded to file-storage here if there are others want to try them.

To WEG people: are there projects ongoing improving these kind of funcionalities??


Posted by Nick Carroll on
Hi Orzenil,

I initially ported the clickstream package from acs to openacs 4, and Surath ported the Oracle datamodel to PostgreSQL.

Personally I feel the Clickstream package should be deprecated in favour of the user-tracking and clickthrough packages. They are lighter weight and provide the same functionality, if not more than the Clickstream package. Plus the datamodel is a nightmare, as it was developed at a time when everything was done in the database, so there are lots of database procedures. These procedures should really be moved to a TCL library, if future work is to be one on this package.


Posted by Mark Aufflick on
Just beware that the User tracking package doesn't appear to be production ready and has some backend issues to be worked out.