Hi Orzenil,
I've had a brief look at the IHCM Cmaptools a couple weeks ago, and again I don't want to head down that path as the software isn't open source, and I don't want to create a dependency on a third party piece of software. My goal is to create a Rich Internet Application (RIA) with Cmap-like functionality. It is also part of my research interest to investigate RIAs in e-learning, specifically in e-portfolios.
I will be playing around with SVG and JavaScript in the next couple of weeks. I think this is the way to go. In fact the next release of Firefox is Firefox 1.5, which is currently available under the codename Deer Park. This version of Firefox to be released sometime soon has SVG support built into it. The question is what to do with IE users? I think the JavaScript code that I write will have to allow for VML to be generated instead of SVG. So I'll have to make use of the factory pattern for this.
Anyway I'll just be experimenting with SVG for the timebeing.