Hi all,
I'm trying to install OpenACS 4.5, I've been using the previous
version successfully for the last 6 months and I'm quite excited to
see what the Beta version has to offer.
My first installation error was the creation of users in postgres had
to have create permissions for db and users, fixed that and restarted
the aol server the second error was:
"Your ns_xml doesn't support XML comments correctly...
Your ns_xml doesn't correctly return the root XML node..."
Tried to ignore this error and went ahead with the instalation, the
data model was installed with no errors but had to refresh the page
to see the next button to run the next stage of the instalation.
Installing the Core Services I was faced with a blank page. I did not
get any errors on the error log but can't seem to go onto the next
stage of creating an administration user.
I suppose that I need to fix the errors above first, could anyone
help me with it?
Many thanks