I just updated openacs.org bug-tracker to handle distributions, so far I manually added three distributions:
1. dotLRN, with all the components (packages) that I know are part of it, excluding the acs-core.
2. OpenACS Core, with all the core packages (almost all the ACS* components were included).
3. dotLRN Extras, with the packages that are part of that CVS alias.
I've already noticed some enhancements to it, like showing the components (packages) that are belong a distribution, right now only admins can see it (https://openacs.org/bugtracker/openacs/admin/distros). But more important, easily tie a component to the cvs package, that is something that I'll improve, since the naming of the components is not really good.
The neat thing is that for instance, you can check all the bugs that need to be fixed for the OpenACS 5.2.0 core release!