Forum OpenACS Development: Ampersand apostrophe code in xowiki and Internet Explorer.

I have noticed that when I enter an apostrophe in a textarea in an xowiki::Form, the final rendering of it is in the form of the ' html code.

This is fine in Firefox, however Internet Explorer has for a number of versions (including the new version 8) not supported this code. Therefore the rendering of the text breaks in IEx.

It is generally recommended I now discover that the code ' is used instead. Obviously I can add that to my content, but if the filters are taing the trouble to substitute my ' for ' then maybe it should be substituting ' instead.


Thanks. Fascinating. Most browsers except IE seem to support it, allthough this xml entity was never added to HTML (just XHTML). So, strictly speaking, IE is correct. xowiki is updated in CVS head. See fishey for the change: