I happened to see http://freshmeat.net/ar
ticles/view/426/ and was not terribly impressed with it, but
thought that you folks might like to see it. The author says things
The latter, PostgreSQL, has both the pedigree (the Palo
Alto area has produced such meaningless baubles as BSD, Sun
Microsystems...) and the features of an enterprise-class database.
Unfortunately, it came after MySQL and has essentially been eclipsed
by it.
At some point, the OSS folks have to admit that they do
NOT have a viable OSS database, or they have to continue with their
snot-nosed claim that they do have one... and then, basically, fail to
deliver on this claim.
I'm not happy about this. I love PostgreSQL, but it sure doesn't
look like it's ever going to be a player, despite glowing OSS press
coverage. Without the community support, it won't make it. That's a
fact, however unpleasant.
Interesting stuff, and perhaps worth letting people know that there
are other people using Postgres