Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to ANN: dotLRN CVS Access Now Available

Posted by Rich Graves on
This is very nice. Thanks! I told some folks just this morning that I didn't think we'd have anything ready to "demo" to advocate a summer dotLRN project but I might have been wrong.

It installed exactly according to the directions in one hour.

I created departments, terms, a subject and course, tried the art deco theme, added a threaded bboard, posted an article and a followup, got an ORA-01740 (missing double-quote?) error clicking on Control Panel as instutor for my course, but then went and looked at other things, went back and got no error at the same URL. Weird.

Let me know if you want more details, I'm guessing no on irreproducible errors on an alpha.

[01/Apr/2002:20:59:23][2665.3076][-conn0-] Error: GET 
 ora8.c:3660:ora_tcl_command: error in `OCIStmtPrepare ()': Error 
while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01740
select count(*) as num_regions
from portal_supported_regions
where layout_id = :layout_id"
    while executing
"ns_ora 0or1row nsdb0 {
select count(*) as num_regions
from portal_supported_regions
where layout_id = :layout_id"
etc. I'll hold onto the error-log for a bit in case anyone cares.

I can see why you're interested in shortening the urls/breadcrumbs. 😊