Hi all,
I'm having a problem with my pool connections to Oracle. My setup is
as follows:
Oracle 8.1.7
RedHat 7.2
ArsDigita Oracle Driver version 2.6
OpenACS 4.5.1b
Basically, I started my web-process, and had it running for a few
days. My site began to get very slow, so I ran "top" to see what
was going on. I had an Oracle process which had been running for
1708 minutes and was taking up 99% of the CPU, 5% of Memory.
I downed the webserver to see if that would fix it. It didn't.
I checked my v$session table in oracle to see what connections were
being made to Oracle, and there were three entries for OpenACS, one
of which was performing a high number of Physical Reads and a high
number of Block Gets. This process had the same process ID as the
one from my "top".
I did a few tests. I ran the following TCL commands through a tcl
page on my server:
set pool [db_nth_pool_name $db_state(n_handles_used)]
ns_log Notice $pool
set dba [ns_db gethandle pool1]
ns_log Notice $dba
set dbc [ns_db gethandle pool3]
ns_log Notice $dbc
#Notice I rearranged the pools because pool2 fails
set dbb [ns_db gethandle pool2]
ns_log Notice $dbb
set output "Results: Pool: $pool, DB: $dba $dbb $dbc"
ns_return 200 text/html $output
had the following results:
[05/Apr/2002:12:45:54][8196.7176][-conn4-] Notice: pooln
[05/Apr/2002:12:45:54][8196.7176][-conn4-] Notice: nsdb1
[05/Apr/2002:12:45:54][8196.7176][-conn4-] Notice: nsdb2
[05/Apr/2002:12:45:54][8196.7176][-conn4-] Notice: RP (280.098 ms):
error in rp_handler: serving GET /pooltest.tcl
ad_url "/pooltest.tcl" maps to
file "/web/demo/www/pooltest.tcl"
errmsg is no access to pool: "pool2"
[05/Apr/2002:12:45:54][8196.7176][-conn4-] Error: GET /pooltest.tcl
no access to pool: "pool2"
while executing
"ns_db gethandle pool2"
invoked from within
"set dbb [ns_db gethandle pool2]"
Looking at top, the oracle process was still there.
Next I edited my Aolserver tcl file and changed my tcl library to
point to an empty directory, i.e. such that it would not source
OpenACS Tcl files, and switched on EnableTclPages.
I reran the above code(without the set pool), and all handles were
obtained without errors.
This time the oracle process disappeared when I checked it
with "top", thus fixing the problem.
It looks like somewhere along the way, pool2 is being allocated and
not released. I found it strange that when I downed my web-server
and restarted, the same process was there, and pool2 was still not