Forum OpenACS Q&A: Some thoughts on the release process

I know this has been discussed before and I don't have the answer to this problem. I hope someone in the community can bring insight to this:

I think we need a community wide consens on the release process in order to prevent:

- several development branches (oacs-5-1, oacs-5-2), only bug fixing
- long release cycles which make merging later on consume an important amount of resources that are required elsewhere and are a cause of demoralisation
- maybe a closer release process for dotlrn and openacs

The fact that dotLRN specific packages and non core packages are released later than OpenACS is the cause for lot of troubles. The more I think about it the more I believe that we need maintainers for each package or we should discard them to contrib.

Posted by Hamilton Chua on
Re : long release cycles which make merging later on consume an important amount of resources that are required elsewhere and are a cause of demoralisation

Perhaps this is an indication that we are outgrowing CVS and that we should look into other better version control systems that will allow us to do merges painlessly and with lesser effort.

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Hamilton, I do agree. Please start a thread and make some suggestion. Arch has been discussed and I think there is widespread knowledge in the community about it, so this might be a good idea to actively put resources into switching starting with the 5.2 release (meaning, 5.2 release will be released on arch or whatever else we decide).

As for the merge, Jeff Davis has the experience on how to do this, but he had done the last merges already so it would be great if someone else could step up and do the merge, asking Jeff for a "howto". Sadly I don't have the time at the moment. And this is only true for *core* packages.

As for development on 5.1, well. In a way I'd say that 5.1 was closed and it was made known that 5.1 is closed and noone should develop on it. If people are still committing on 5.1 it is their responsibility to commit this on 5.2 as well or see their functionality gone in 5.2. I know that it might be frustrating not to have all functionality available in the current release *BUT*:

- Microsoft Release every I don't know when, so people should be aware of that and stay patient.
- It is possible to use packages from a different branch (we have a mixed 5.1/ 5.2 / HEAD / Custom CVS environment).

I don't think package maintainers will help, though I agree it makes a lot of sense. But would you stop distributing forums just because it does not have a maintainer?

Last but not least, in my opinion it does not make sense to talk of .LRN and OpenACS as seperate when it comes down to code. .LRN are just more packages, so we could in theory at least release both at the same time. It is just a matter of effort and I think communication.

Posted by Hamilton Chua on

I'm trying to find the time to continue and write about it but I hope the first one is enough for now. At present it's all theory, the implementation/experimenation part is one of the things that's keeping me busy at the moment.