Hi to all testers and volunteers
Following a number of requests I have now changed the permissioning on this system so that all registered users are able to record tests and record new test cases.
Hope this now makes life easier.
I have quite a lot of people registered on the test server but unfortunately there's not yet been the level of activity I'd hoped for.
Testing for Release
We are now very keen to get an official, production release out there. To do this we need to do more testing on the beta. The more people who can help out, even in a small way, the faster this can happen, and I know everyone would like to see a production release asap.
Every Little Helps!
I don't have much time available to test a whole package
Thats ok. Anytime at all is useful, even if all you have time to do is test a couple of bits of functionality, please record a description of the test (so someone else can use it) and then record you results. It doesn't matter if testing is combined amongst a number of people.
I can't perform tests for some reason
Again, no problem. You could *really* help out by lending us half an hour and creating some new test types, even if you aren't able to test them yourself. This saves other time and helps us build up our written test plan.
I'm not interested in testing, but I am using the beta for development/operation.
Excellent! If your using the beta anyway, then by definition you'll be exercising its functionality. If you can spend the odd ten minutes, writing down functionality you use adn recording that as tests, thats ok too!
Many thanks in advance, and those of you busy testing, thanks for your efforts thus far