Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to has anyone got file upload working under win2k?

I have, but it took a lot of effort. The AOLserver team seems rather aggressively opposed to anything involving the Windows platform, so I have to recommend pursuing other avenues upfront.

There is a bug report / workaround for this problem on AOLserver's SourceForge website: I haven't tried that fix, so I don't know if it works. Because of this and several other bugs (temp. file naming, running as a service, ADP parsing, etc.), starting from source is probably your only option, if it is an option.

The binaries for AOLserver 3.3.1+ad13 for Win32 in are the most recently uploaded; I haven't tried them. The AOLserver 4-UH beta files at are another option, but they don't handle file upload out of the box either. A bboard thread discussing these two options is

I'm using patched AOLserver 4 beta source code to run OpenACS 4 on my server. The unfinished documentation at describes the effort. Again, I don't recommend it.