Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to doc enhanced: Chapter 4: Data Models and the Object System

name_method is the name of a plsql function that will return a human-readable name for an object of that type with a specified object_id. It's called by, so you can for example
select object_id, from acs_objects
and get human understandable names without having to know what type of objects you're dealing with or how they're named.

one example of this is /permissions/ which needs to display object names that make at least some sense to people, but has no need to have any in-depth understanding of the objects it's assigning permissions to.

as for abstract_p, I was under the impression that it was a wart left over from the original design of the acs4 object model, and isn't actually used for anything. ISTR that it was meant to flag object types that would never be instantiated, just derived from. (but take that with a grain of salt - I haven't looked at that in a while)