I successufully installed, configure and run openacs on AOlserver4 (debian version aolserver4_4.0.10-3). Everything was running find until I update my system. Now impossible to start aolserver I got a
Starting web server: dotlrn start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/aolserver4-nsd --pidfile /var/run/aolserver4/dotlrn.pid --oknodo -- -u www-data -g www-data -b -s dotlrn -t /etc/aolserver4/dotlrn.tcl
[25/Aug/2005:21:35:43][7432.1076592416][-main-] Notice: prebind: bound:
[25/Aug/2005:21:35:43][7433.1076592416][-main-] Fatal: received fatal signal 11
BUT, I have no trace: nothing in the log (?totally empty?), no other messages, nothing wrong with ldd -r, nothing flagrant with strace.
I just updated my system (I know that glibc has been updated)
I just installed the tsearch and openfts tools for postgres
I put a second serevr on it (but dont think it could be related, the tcl config file don't seems to be accessed .. confirmed by strace)
Since my system was updated I also tried to rebuild aolserver, no chance I get always this same stupid message.
Somebody got a direction ?
Marc Kalberer