<i>It seems that somebody at Oracle hates the ANSI join syntax as much as me 😊</i>
<p>In total disregard of the security implications of this horrible (and inexcusable) Oracle bug (which would never make it past a PG beta) ...
<p>I have to ask "why do you hate the ANSI join syntax"?
<p>The Oracle and various other hacks on "=" mask the fact that query qualification (boolean operators applied after a join) are confused with with join operators. Among other things the query engine needs to figure out which proto-boolean operations are joins and which are boolean qualifiers applied after all joins.
<p>There's no syntactic help for the reader, human (human's *are* important) or machine.
<p>Now ... the ANSI solution is wordy but the principle - that joins be placed in the syntactic portion of a query that denotes which tables are being queried on (and a join is nothing more than a specification of a new table synthesized from two others) - is sound.
<p>The wordiness is a problem, though...I will concede that. Specifying joins in the table-specifying "from" clause does allow joins that you can't express in Oracle's "= ... (+)" hack or Sybase's "=* ..." hack ... as much as you hate it, you can write joins in it that you can't write in Oracle's old syntax.