I feel pretty confident that if you went into a window's shop
and said that they could use SQL Server they would be much
more comfortable about considering running AOLserver in
cygwin. In cygwin, AFAIK, the sysadmin still needs to have some
Unix experience. I don't see much gain if the admins are using
Windows but still have to use Unix emulations to run the
Talli, I'm not quite following you here. In your first sentence,
you seem to be saying that SQL Server + AOLServer/cygwin
would sell in the Windows world. But in your second and third
sentences, you seem to say that AOLServer/cygwin would
not sell well in the Windows world because it would still
require Unix sysadmin skills.
Leaving aside the question of SQL Server for the moment,
which web server solution are you advocating as the best
approach to having a viable (and marketable) Windows-based