You are using Postgres? Make sure you compiled with unicode support,
./configure --enable-locale --enable-recode --enable-multibyte --enable-unicode-conversion --with-maxba
ckends=64 --with-tcl --with-perl --with-openssl --with-CXX --enable-syslog --with-java
and when you create your database add the unicode encoding flag:
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb --encoding unicode -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
The trick now is to make sure that users browsers are allowing them to enter form text as Unicode. Browsers will generally set input
encoding to the same as the page's encoding, so make sure to
set the MIME type of the page to "text/html; charset=UTF8" (or is it UTF-8?)
Then, you need to make sure that AOLserver reads the form data in
the proper encoding (i.e., utf8). You can set the default
encoding with the param
ns_section "ns/parameters"
# Set output charset encoding and default form input encoding to ShiftJIS
ns_param HackContentType 1
ns_param URLCharset shift_jis
ns_param OutputCharset shift_jis
ns_param HttpOpenCharset shift_jis
(substitute UTF8 for shift_jis above, or maybe "UTF-8", I forget
whether it wants MIME encoding name or AOLserver's encoding names)
Or else, you can call ns_getform with a specific encoding
parameter. Look at the source code, it is optional argument:
proc ns_getform {{charset ""}}
Everything should just work 😊
I have done this kind of thing with Japanese text without
any real difficulty (well OK, maybe a little difficulty).
The trick is to remember that AOLserver uses UTF8 internally,
the Postgres driver passes it to Postgres, and the only trouble
is when AOLserver tries to apply charset conversions when it is either
reading data from the broswer, or outputting data to the browser
over the network stream.