Forum OpenACS Q&A: Inserting a image file in ORACLE

Posted by J Svete on

Hi...I was going thru the documentation of OpenACS 4.5 and found a piece of code in

for uploading blob images in oracle. And I tried to do the following

  <form name=myform action='mypic-2.tcl' method=post
   Name <input type=text name=name>
   File <input type=file name=picture>
   <input type=submit value=upload>

in mypic.tcl

then in mypic-2.tcl I did


set tmp_filename [ns_queryget picture.tmpfile]
set file_extension [string tolower [file extension $picture]]

set insert_stmt "insert into pic_table
                   (name, pic)
                   ($name, empty_blob())
               returning pic into :1"

db_dml insert_stm $insert_stmt -blob_files [list $tmp_filename]

set page_content "One file uploaded $tmp_filename"

my table structure is

SQL> desc pic_table;
 Name					   Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- --------
 NAME						    VARCHAR2(100)
 PIC						    BLOB

I get this error while loading a .gif file

       ora8.c:4715:lob_dml_bind_cmd: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()':
ORA-00984: column not allowed here

       SQL: insert into pic_table 
                          (name, pic) 
                          (my, empty_blob()) 
                      returning pic into :1
           while executing
       "ns_ora blob_dml_file_bind nsdb0 {insert into pic_table 
                          (name, pic) 
                          (my, empty_blob()) 
           ("uplevel" body line 1)
           invoked from within
       "uplevel 2 [list ns_ora $type $db $sql] $args"
           invoked from within
       "db_exec blob_dml_file_bind nsdb0 insert_stm {insert into
                          (name, pic) 
                          (my, emp..."
           ("eval" body line 1)
           invoked from within
       "eval [list db_exec "${command}_bind" $db $statement_name $sql
$bind_vars] $lob_argv"
           invoked from within
       "if { $lob_argc == 1 } {
                   # Bind :1, :2, ..., :n as LOBs (where n = [llength
                   set bind_vars [list]
                   for { set i 1 } { $i <= [ll..."
           ("uplevel" body line 2)
           invoked from within
       "uplevel 1 $code_block "
           invoked from within
       "db_with_handle db {
               if { $lob_argc == 1 } {
                   # Bind :1, :2, ..., :n as LOBs (where n = [llength
                   set bind_vars [list]
                   for { ..."
           (procedure "db_dml" line 32)
           invoked from within
       "db_dml insert_stm $insert_stmt -blob_files [list
           (file "/web/aces/www/mypic-2.tcl" line 22)
           invoked from within


Please help thanks in advance
Posted by Don Baccus on
In general you should consider storing content in the content repository, which is able to handle images directly for you.

If you do, then you can import your image or other data by using the Tcl API proc "cr_import_content" in acs-content-repository/tcl/revision-procs.tcl".

Posted by J Svete on
Is there any thing that I am doing wrong... if yes please help me with that coz then it will help me a lot...and about using content repository...the application that I will create may not use the content repository at all ... and it is heavily dependent on image uploading and file uploading and my requirement is such that I have to use the blob field in my table only

Please help


Posted by Jun Yamog on
Hi J Svete,

I also would suggest to use content-repository.  It should not be hard to use it.  Take a look at the file-storage package and see how it puts binary data and takes out binary data.

I can also email you about 3 files that uses the content-repository.  In anycase it is encouraged to use the current underlying data model of OpenACS if possible.  Once you are used to content-repository it takes only a couple of minutes to modify other packages to use it.  You will also be inheriting some good features for content-repository such as versioning, attachment to parent content_items etc.
Of course being at a higher level may not give you knowledge on how things are really working.

Posted by Cynthia Kiser on
I think the error message you are getting is due to lack of ' ' around my Your error log shows:
  insert into pic_table 
    (name, pic) 
    (my, empty_blob()) 
  returning pic into :1
Try '$name' so that that ends up as ('my', empty_blob())
Posted by J Svete on
Thanks Cynthia Kiser &  Jun Yamog

for that hint of yours. The ' ' were the only mistake that I was doing now the program run as smooth as a silk ...

And Jun Yamog it would really help me if you kindly send me the three files that use the content_repository because in my application I want to store some notes either scanned/copy pasted into the database along with some informations about the same like title, date of publishing etc.

Posted by Jun Yamog on

Hi JSvete,

I have emailed you with files and a short crude explanation. For the benefit of others here is the snippet of the short crude explanation on how to use CR.

The summary below is for uploading binary data to CR and putting the binary data to the file system.
1. Make a form with a enctype=multipart/form-data.
2. Use a input type=file form element
3. Submit the form to a tcl and get the file using ad_page_contact

upload_file:trim,notnull #the file name
upload_file.tmpfile:tmpfile #the tempfile that aol creates

4. Guess the mime_type and set it via ns_guesstype
5. Normally I create a plpgsql to do the following

5.a. Insert a new mime type to cr_mime_types if needed
5.b. create a new acs_object
5.c. create a new cr_items
5.b. create a new cr_revisions

6. Use cr_create_content_file to place the file on the file system
7. Updated cr_revisions with the correct file size and the file name that is created on the file system that is under content-respositorty-content-files

I hope this helps others in getting comfortable with CR.