Forum OpenACS Development: Response to ACS 4.x won't scale (I hope I am wrong)

Posted by Andrei Popov on

Reviving the dead again -- in calendar code, query get_viewable_calendar called in /calendar/admin/calendar-preferences is a killer (aside from a strange state in which calendar code is, as there are some unported queries, etc.). It uses calendar__readable_p finction that is basically this:

CREATE FUNCTION calendar__readable_p(
RETURNS boolean
AS 'declare
        readable_p__calendar_id         alias for $1;
        readable_p__party_id            alias for $1;
        v_readable_p                    boolean;

        select (case count(*)
                when 1 then true
                        else false
                ) into v_readable_p
        from    acs_object_party_privilege_map
                where   party_id = readable_p__party_id
                and     object_id = readable_p__calendar_id
                and     privilege = ''calendar_read'';

        return v_readable_p;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

First of all, readable_p__party_id seems better be aliased to $2, not $1. case must be re-written, as this syntax is incorrect. After my wimpy changes it looks thusly:

CREATE FUNCTION calendar__readable_p (
RETURNS boolean AS '
	readable_p__calendar_id		alias for $1;
        readable_p__party_id            alias for $2;
	v_readable_p			boolean;

         * Using acs_object_party_privilege_map is EVIL -- it takes AGES!
         * We only need objects that are labeled as cal_item, hence...

        select case 
                when count(*) = 1 then ''t''
                else ''f''
               end into v_readable_p
        from dual where exists (
                select  1
                from    acs_object_party_privilege_map 
                where   party_id = readable_p__party_id
                        and object_id = readable_p__calendar_id 
                        and privilege = ''calendar_read''

	RETURN v_readable_p;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

...and kills OACS outright. A simple select calendar__readable_p(o.object_id, 4683) as readable_p from acs_objects o; (where 4683 is my id) has been running for some 10-20 minutes already and there are only 400 or so objects in acs_objects. FWIW, analyze has just been run...

I'l try to re-write acs_object_party_privilege_map to not use a cascade of UNIONs on views on views on views, and see whether this helps...