Forum OpenACS Q&A: new install, new installer

Posted by dennis sacks on
Hi, I downloaded dotlrn-2.1.3 and have been following the install instructions for openacs on this site.

red hat enterprise 3.x
downloaded tcl 8.4
postgresql 8.03

I successfully started up aolserver, got the installer page. Entered my email, admin name and password, etc and pressed the 'next' button.

I got a list of output from postgresql objects being created, but never got a "Loading package .info files" or a next button. I waited about five minutes.

I tried stopping and starting aolserver and navigating back to http://localhost:8000 and I get a page that thanks me for installing OpenACS, says my PostgreSQL driver is installed and the data model is already installed and to click 'Next' to scan the available packages.

Clicking 'Next' seems to do nothing. No new page.

error.log gets this message when I click 'Next':

[14/Sep/2005:18:22:41][26052.3056016304][-conn:acstest::4] Error: Unable to source /var/lib/aolserver/acstest/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/installer/packages-install.tcl: file does not exist.


Posted by dennis sacks on
Okay, so I'm posting my own reply :) OpenACS 5.1.x (that comes with dotLRN) doesn't support PostgreSQL 8.x.

I downloaded OpenACS 5.2.x and the installation actually worked.
