Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Summary of the Sloan - Berklee dotLRN meeting

Just to go back to an earlier (and v. v. good point) about the difference between sales and technical presentaqtion of a product. Its absolutely our experience that the OACS loses out in competitive situations through a lack of understanding of how the average middle-manager-come-software-buyer thinks.

Even the simplest connection between seemingly disparate problem spaces can be difficult for commercial managers to see.

Branding is possibly as important as functioning in the commercial world (well perhaps not that important) and therefore is this a time to suggest a general theme/brand for vertical applications etc..

Seems to me the Sloan folks have the start of a good branding pitch there that could be quite naturally evolved into the overall OACS consciousness (did I just use that word??).





and so on......

Although entirely off this topic, is there any case for essentially packaging OACS distributions in these formss, perhaps with more pre-configuration. In this way we present the same excellent package to a variety of industries whilst seemingly offeringa specific solution...
