Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Form builder

4: Response to Form builder (response to 1)
Posted by Don Baccus on
First of all, don't feel bad at not discovering this feature.  I knew it was there, having followed the design and implementation of the ATS when aD was publishing stuff.  It was a standalone system and integration with the ACS was an afterthought (which my cynical mind presumes to be "they lost the battle to replace the ACS with their own vision", but that's not important, true or false).

Anyway ... my point is that I've known forever that it's templatable but had never sat down to work out an example until recently, because I hadn't seen any.  And it hurts to add that there are additional templates in the OpenACS 4.5 core that don't work (they didn't work in ACS 4.2, either).

The bright side - over the next few ... months?  weeks? (if we're lucky) more examples will be forthcoming buth showing how to use the old API and also my "ad_form" wrapper.  InfiniteInfo and Musea have also been working on tools to build form handlers from object definitiosn (for ETP).

Expect progress in this area over the next several weeks ... it's important ... and I'm sure it will happen.