Forum OpenACS Q&A: data model for "notes" errors

Posted by mister ijoi on
i try follow notes documentation. I just copy n paste the script but errors still there.Can somebody help me

[service2@kmdb postgresql]$ psql -f notes-create.sql
psql:notes-create.sql:9: ERROR: syntax error at or near "acs_object_type" at character 11
psql:notes-create.sql:10: WARNING: there is no transaction in progress
psql:notes-create.sql:12: ERROR: syntax error at or near "/" at character 1
psql:notes-create.sql:15: ERROR: syntax error at or near "acs_attributes" at character 19
psql:notes-create.sql:23: ERROR: syntax error at or near "attr_id" at character 9
psql:notes-create.sql:31: ERROR: syntax error at or near "attr_id" at character 3
psql:notes-create.sql:32: WARNING: there is no transaction in progress
psql:notes-create.sql:34: ERROR: syntax error at or near "/" at character 1
psql:notes-create.sql:57: ERROR: syntax error at or near ")" at character 210
psql:notes-create.sql:61: ERROR: syntax error at or near "procedure" at character 3
psql:notes-create.sql:62: ERROR: syntax error at or near "note" at character 5
psql:notes-create.sql:83: ERROR: syntax error at or near "/" at character 1
psql:notes-create.sql:92: ERROR: syntax error at or near "v_note_id" at character 14
psql:notes-create.sql:97: ERROR: relation "notes" does not exist
psql:notes-create.sql:99: ERROR: syntax error at or near "return" at character 6
psql:notes-create.sql:100: ERROR: syntax error at or near "new" at character 7
psql:notes-create.sql:108: ERROR: syntax error at or near "procedure" at character 3
psql:notes-create.sql:110: ERROR: syntax error at or near "acs_object" at character 5
psql:notes-create.sql:111: ERROR: syntax error at or near "delete" at character 7
psql:notes-create.sql:113: ERROR: syntax error at or near "note" at character 5
psql:notes-create.sql:115: ERROR: syntax error at or near "/" at character 1
[service2@kmdb postgresql]$

sample data model for openACS documentation Notes

acs_object_type.create_type (
supertype => 'acs_object',
object_type => 'note',
pretty_name => 'Note',
pretty_plural => 'Notes',
table_name => 'NOTES',
id_column => 'NOTE_ID',
show errors;

attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE;
attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute (
object_type => 'note',
attribute_name => 'TITLE',
pretty_name => 'Title',
pretty_plural => 'Titles',
datatype => 'string',

attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute (
object_type => 'note',
attribute_name => 'BODY',
pretty_name => 'Body',
pretty_plural => 'Bodies',
datatype => 'string',
show errors;

create table notes (
note_id integer references acs_objects(object_id) primary key,
owner_id integer references users(user_id),
title varchar(255) not null,
body varchar(1024),

create or replace package note
function new (
note_id in notes.note_id%TYPE default null,
owner_id in notes.owner_id%TYPE default null,
title in notes.title%TYPE,
body in notes.body%TYPE,
object_type in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE default 'note',
creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE
default sysdate,
creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE
default null,
creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null,
context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null,
) return notes.note_id%TYPE;

procedure delete (
note_id in notes.note_id%TYPE
end note;
show errors

create or replace package body note

function new (
note_id in notes.note_id%TYPE default null,
owner_id in notes.owner_id%TYPE default null,
title in notes.title%TYPE,
body in notes.body%TYPE,
object_type in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE default 'note',
creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE
default sysdate,
creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE
default null,
creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null,
context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null
) return notes.note_id%TYPE
v_note_id integer;
v_note_id := (
object_id => note_id,
object_type => object_type,
creation_date => creation_date,
creation_user => creation_user,
creation_ip => creation_ip,
context_id => context_id

insert into notes
(note_id, owner_id, title, body)
(v_note_id, owner_id, title, body);

return v_note_id;
end new;
procedure delete (
note_id in notes.note_id%TYPE
delete from notes
where note_id = note.delete.note_id;

end delete;

end note;
show errors;

Posted by mister ijoi on
there also have development tutorial in document but it use database creatin script. Which way should i follow and easier to understand?

help me plz

Posted by Nick Carroll on
Looks like you are using the creation script for oracle, and not postgresql.
Posted by mister ijoi on
so, how to convert the script to postgres.
Posted by Nick Carroll on
The corresponding postgres scripts should exist in notes/sql/postgresql.