Forum .LRN Q&A: Creating a custom portlet with applet tags

Dear all,

I'm a bit of a newbie to .LRN and am looking to customize our version with a new portlet.

The new portlet will contain our telnet-based multi-user object oriented environment (MOO), in which the users can communicate and explore.

The MOO can be connected to via telnet through a java applet. I was hoping that this could be incorporated simply by using the create a custom portlet function, however, this would not allow me to use the applet tags. I have looked around the forums and the documentation but cannot seem to find a similar problem.

If anyone has any ideas or knows of any useful documents/other threads that would be great?

Another thing, when a custom portlet is created, where abouts are the files for this portlet stored?

Thanks in advance for any helpful advice!

Matthew :o)

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
You can change the tags that are allowed in the kernel parameters section at /acs-admin (next to kernel at the bottom of the page is a link for parameters). There you have a list of allowed tags and you could add the "applet" tag to this list.
Posted by Andrew Grumet on
Another thing, when a custom portlet is created, where abouts are the files for this portlet stored?

The portlet's contents are stored in the database, in the BODY field of the STATIC_PORTAL_CONTENT table.

Posted by Matthew Coupe on
Wow, thanks for the speedy responses!
I changed the permissions to allow all tags and attributes to see if I could get it to work and it's great, however I'm slightly concerned about the security issues of doing this? It's on a development machine at the moment and surely allowing applet tags on a live box could cause problems of some kind...
Would this not allow people to use applets when posting html coded messages in forums...? Is there a way of customising a specific portlet with its own permissions for tags and attributes and leaving the site-wide permissions to be tough on security?