Hi all,
I was trying to add a new group type at admin/group-types/new, with a
supertype of the top level "Group". The insert failed at this sql in
insert into group_type_rels
(group_rel_type_id, rel_type, group_type)
select acs_object_id.nextval, r.rel_type, :group_type
from group_type_rels r
where r.group_type = :supertype;
return null;
...which copies a composition and a membership relationship from
the "Group" supertype to my new group type. The acs_object_id view
is returning one id to be used for the insert, therein the failure.
I changed the sql to "nextval('t_acs_object_id_seq')", and all works
fine; but I'm a Postgres newbie, and was wondering if there's a more
appropriate fix, or something else that I should be doing instead.
Thanks, Randy