Forum OpenACS Development: problems with multiple richtexts

Posted by Rainer Hahnekamp on

can somebody give me a hint on the following problem?

I've created a form containing two richtexts:

ad_form -name test -form {
  {htmlarea_p 1}
  {html {rows 5 cols 60 wrap soft}}
  {label text1}
  {htmlarea_p 1}
  {html {rows 5 cols 60 wrap soft}}
  {label text2}

After filling out both with some example text and submitting it, I get the error message that the first one has to be filled in. It seems that the data of text1 is not sent.
I also tried it with three richtexts with the result that just the content of the last one was transfered.
I don't think that there is a restriction of just using one richtext per page.

Posted by Dave Bauer on
No, the richtext WYSIWIG textarea does not support multiple instances on the same page.