I'm working in a package with which you can move objects, copy them and ...¿delete? I'm studying this issue now. The objects with which i work are FAQs, FORUMs, ASSESSMENTs, STATIC-PORTLETs, NEWs and FOLDERs. By now, the datamanager package is able to copy and move objects.
I would like to ask about my idea to create a trash:
- Create a new object_type, by inserting a row into acs_object_types. It will be 'trash', with 'acs_object' as supertype.
- Create an instance of this object by inserting a roy into acs_objects. Obviously, this new row will have 'trash' as object_type. Package_id and context_id will be both NULL.
Thus, to send an object (e.g. FAQ), the way is moving the contenxt_id to the trash.
This way will make any object as invisible and provides an easy way to recover it. What would you think about this??
Thanks in advance