For the community.
I found it and here it is:
create or replace package publishing_wf as
-- simply check the 'next_place' attribute and return true if
-- it matches the submitted place_key
function is_next (
case_id in number,
workflow_key in varchar,
transition_key in varchar,
place_key in varchar,
direction in varchar,
custom_arg in varchar
) return char;
end publishing_wf;
create or replace package body publishing_wf as
function is_next (
case_id in number,
workflow_key in varchar,
transition_key in varchar,
place_key in varchar,
direction in varchar,
custom_arg in varchar
) return char is
v_next_place varchar(100);
v_result char(1) := 'f';
v_next_place := workflow_case.get_attribute_value(case_id, 'next_place');
if v_next_place = place_key then
v_result := 't';
end if;
return v_result;
end is_next;
end publishing_wf;
show errors