Including the last database error in the stacktrace that appears in the browser window would be very helpful for developing. Until someone implements that here is a little error log colorizer for the console that helps me weeding through the masses of verbose error log:
---- cut here ----
# Colorize the server.log from aolserver for nice output in the
# console. Put it in a pipe like that:
# $ tail -f /var/log/aolserver/server.log | ./aollogcolor.tcl
set c_red "[31m"
set c_blue "[34m"
set c_green "[32m"
set c_default "[0m"
set c_bold "[1m"
set query_p 0
while { [gets stdin s] > -1 } {
# square brackets
regsub -all {^[[^]]*][[^]]*][[^]]*]} $s "$c_blue