Forum .LRN Q&A: Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP): the first baby step

A while back the WSRP standard was mentioned here and after reviewing it I would like to start moving in that direction (one small step at at time).

Here is a link to the standard again:

I feel the lowest hanging fruit is starting with the css section of the standard so I asked Mark Wylie, a designer that I work with in the hospital, to do a quick WSRP mockup using the standard.

You can take a look here:

Unless there are objections I am going to ask him to do a plain version and a Selva version (to match the great work that Rafa and Dorian have been doing) so we can start standardizing portlet display. Hope to get this into 2.2

I feel moving towards supporting this standard is important if we want to play nice in the enterprise and it has the added advantage of improving the user experience (e.g. having messages show up in the portlets after the user does something is something we should strive for).

Comments, alternatives, objections, concerns?