Hi Yon,
When was this fs_objects implemented? I am using beta 1 code. Is this code in the CVS HEAD?
Hi Jowell,
Nope its not the acs_permission__permission_p call, this was my first hunch so I removed it and still there was a performance problem. I investigated it to the source of the problem. So am pretty sure its the file_storage__get_package_id because removing makes the query a whole lot faster.
Yes ETP works differently from file storage but I think using the package_id on cr_folders will be ok even when the package_id column will not be unique. It will be faster to lookup the value rather than compute it.
Anyway thanks for giving me your insights about this. I will check out the CVS head and see if I can upgrade the data model. If the upgrade of file-storage is too much of a problem I may have to change my current file-storage by using the package_id column.