Forum OpenACS Q&A: attempt to use Openacs from a duplicate of defaultacs directory

I am studying the various components of OpenAcs and playing with various settings, tcl scripts so I can understand how everything works and how I can apply this into my web designs. For this purpose I have copied the defaultacs directory as defaultacs2 and modified settings in nsd.tcl so it looks like this

if [file isdirectory "$homedir/servers/defaultacs2"] {
set server "defaultacs2"
set servername "[ns_info hostname] ACS Server"
set pageroot ${homedir}/servers/${server}/www
} else
set server "default"
set servername "[ns_info hostname] AOLserver"
set pageroot ${homedir}/servers/${server}/pages

When I restart aolsever it comes up with this error: "Error in serving group pages. If the problem persists, please contact the system administrator. " If I specify an actual page i.e. index.tcl, it works ok. Can someone help me clarify this ? Thanks

... and in this case default.tcl in the parameters folder needs to be renamed as default2.tcl.... or whatever the servername may happen to be. This is in addition to specifying the servername in nsd.tcl
That's all