Forum OpenACS Development: VIM (or gvim) Syntax highlighting file for .adp files

Hi everyone, I have hacked together a vim syntax highlighting file that will hightlight both the html and tcl in a .adp file.

Later on I will add nicities like highlighting sql (ala the .php syntax highlighting) and aolserver function names.

You can download the file from:

You will also need to put the following entry at the bottom of your filetype.vim file (probably in /usr/share/vim/vim60/ or similar. try "locate filetype.vim"):

" ADP Server Pages
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.adp setf adp

Enjoy the glorious full colour syntax highlighting, and I'll post when/if I add features.

thank you Mark. This make my first steps with vim MUCH easier!
fyi, the file is now in the folder:

Hi Mark,

Can you make it so one does not have to register to get the file?



good point, and done!
There was interest in my adp syntax highlighting mode for vim on the aolserver mailing list, so I thought I'd update this thread with it's current location. Sorry it moved again (need nicer urls...)

Of course, you should really be using Emacs...