In regards to CMS. A lot of the pieces are in place (the content-
repository data model, templating, workflow, and now new-portal
for aggregation of content), but they are still evolving. The aD
CMS fit the cart before the horse cliche. It uses several of these
tools and then provides a overarching admin interface for them.
Everyone seems to hate the CMS for its interface, but the
overlooked truth is the CMS was responsible for getting a lot of
the needed tools off the ground. The underlying tools are where
the value is and that is where you are seeing the most developer
I think we will reach a critical mass when the supporting
packages hit their stride. Then it will make sense to tie them all
together. Of course, it would be a mistake to develop them
without the goal of unified CM functionality in mind.
OpenACS 4.5's functionality goes beyond CM, but CM
functionality is present right now in the core of OpenACS. I
wouldn't be surprised if we arrive at a pre-configured vertical
app built on OpenACS called "dotCMS" or something.