Forum OpenACS Q&A: openacs content repository file-system


I am playing with OpenACS to make a personal server for my digital photos. While things work quite nice, it is rather hard to add extra functionality - let's say editing a photo with PhotoShop.

I was wondering how difficult would be to create a file-system layer over the OpenACS content repository and be able to see/manipulate CR items as regular files. This is a pretty powerful UI paradigm, as it opens the underlying data to a very generic data manipulation interface - pretty much any program knows how to work with files.

If I understand correctly, the CR is already organized to follow some sort of hierarchical ordering - if not one can have several such orderings available and select one while mounting the FS.

What we gain - increased usability of the system, while preserving the versioning, rich typing, fine-grained permissions and on-the-fly relationship generation.

Best regards,

Posted by Dave Bauer on
Check the oacs-dav package. It provides webdav access to content repository folders.