Okay, we just seem to have fixed this. Here's what needs to be done.
- First, fix all your old messages. This update will work, provided you don't use acs_messages for anything other than bboards.
update acs_contents
set searchable_p = 'f'
where content_id in
(select content_id from acs_contents,
acs_objects o
where content_id = live_revision
and item_id = message_id(+)
and message_id is null
and o.object_id = item_id
and o.object_type = 'acs_message');
- Second, update the following two scripts:
- tcl/bboard-procs.tcl, in the bboard_alert_one_msg proc.
Add this query after the e-mail message is created.
db_dml message_non_searchable {
update acs_contents set searchable_p = 'f'
where content_id = (select live_revision from cr_items where item_id = :email_mesg_id)
- www/message-mail-2.tcl, in the db_transaction. Add this query after the new message is created.
# set this puppy to not searchable
db_dml message_non_searchable {
update acs_contents set searchable_p = 'f'
where content_id = (select live_revision from cr_items where item_id = :message_id)
I couldn't tell if the message-mail scripts are used in the default distribution (they let a user mail a post to someone), but for completeness, we added that query. #2 hasn't been tested. #1 is running just fine right now on Oracle 9i/Linux. I gotta agree with Don, this is a terrible kludge.