Forum OpenACS Development: Re: upgrade acs-templating 5.1.5 to 5.5.1

Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
To double check I just downloaded acs-templateting 5.5 from cvs and i got the same error.

I see XinhaDefaultPlugins as a parameter in the info file

There is no "upgrade" directory neither any files in /acs-templating/sql/postgresql/

Following error.log to find the code that is setting the values...
I can't see what is causing the error and i can't find the following queries in the source code of acs-templating:

[21/Apr/2010:22:08:12][9311.3058281360][-default:3-] Notice: Querying '
select apm_parameter_values.attr_value
from apm_parameters, apm_parameter_values
where apm_parameter_values.package_id = '170'
and apm_parameter_values.parameter_id = apm_parameters.parameter_id
and apm_parameters.parameter_name = 'XinhaDefaultPlugins';'

select apm__set_value(

Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
i understand now those queries are in acs-tcl.
I will spend more time debugging it, then i paste the results